"The disciples of light have never invented anything but a not very opaque darkness."

— Robert Desnos (translated by Amy Levin)

A Twine made for Chrysoula Tzavelas' Correspondence Jam (#correjam)!

TLE is:

  • A straightforward epistolary narrative with a single ending point
  • A bizarre and inadvisable love-story (just in time for Valentine's Day!)
  • abstraction, ambiguity, and the conceit of intangibility
  • My first finished Twine experiment, clocking in with just over 100 nodes and links!

I learned about #correjam nearly halfway through the actual jam itself and had limited time to work on this entry during the last two weeks. So there are certainly improvements that could be made to TLE, but hopefully it's entertaining as-is! In the future I'll definitely be making some minor updates to the writing, html, and backgrounds, but we'll see whether or not I end up expanding on the story itself. It's definitely grown on me!

Thanks so much for the opportunity to participate in this jam, and thank you as well to anyone playing! Let me know if you run into any issues!

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
AuthorGrim Baccaris
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
Tagsepistolary, Experimental, Narrative, Romance, Twine


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well, gee! That was beautiful! I much enjoyed this.

thank you so much! i'm so glad you enjoyed it! c: